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Jaipong Dance

Occurrences jaipongan 1980's dance that was born from creativity of Bandung artists known as Gugum Gumbira, at first the development of tap dance Tilu when seen from its development and basic koreografernya. The word came from the community jaipong Falkirk who came from the sound of drums as an accompaniment to folk dances which they say sounds jaipong which onomotofe. slap drum as accompaniment to dance association in the arts banjidoran coming from Subang and Karawang which eventually became popular with jaipongan term.

Works created by the first jaipongan Gugum Gumbira is pulus leaves dance and dance Raden keser Bojong Bojong which pairs children. The dance is very popular and popular throughout West Java, including Bandung regency other works created by Gugum including toka-toka, Setra sari, sonteng, pencug, egrets dazed, procession procession croton leaves, rawayan, the antenna etc.. also popular among the dancers who like Iceu Efendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Mimi Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, Mira Tejaningrum, Ine Diar, Asep Safat.

The appeal of dance for young people in addition to the motion of a dynamic dance and beat drums to bring them to drive her to dance, so dance jaipongan as one of West Java arts identity that oadasetiap appear at special events and large samapai state. Effect of penetrating dance jaipongan Central Java and East Java, Bali, Sumatra and even that was developed by artists outside West Java.
dance fashion jaipongan for new creations are usually different from the fashion tap Tilu to the usually more glamorous creations while maintaining the pattern tradisional likes sinjang / trousers, kebaya / Apok a fashion ornament that looks more stately but more free to move. Along with the development of the era and dance the dance jaipongan lot shown on the colossal open arena has also appeared in five-star hotel and the reception of foreign guests from various parts of the world.